Garlic and Portabella Pizza

If the old adage is true that you ‘are what you eat,’ then I’m going to turn into a frozen pizza one of these days. I wanted to mix it up and “health-ify” my pizza, so I sought out a whole wheat crust recipe. I combined a couple that I found and did the following:

portabella pizza

  • 2 c. whole wheat flour
  • 1 pkg active dry yeast
  • 3/4 t. salt
  • 1 T. honey
  • 1 T. olive oil
  • 1 c. hot water

Combine dry ingredients before pouring in all liquids. Mix thoroughly, cover, and set aside 5-10 minutes while you prep toppings.

Slice and saute two full-size portabella mushrooms and a handful of babies. Shred/tear fresh mozzarella and goat cheese (amount to taste). Peel and slice 4-6 fresh garlic cloves.

Once dough has rested, knead slightly, and roll onto 12 inch pizza stone. Bake at 425* for 15ish minutes. Remove from oven, top with pizza sauce, mushrooms, garlic, and cheese. Return to oven and bake until cheese is bubbly and browned.

“Fancy” cheese always makes me feel like a gourmand and causes this meal seem extra indulgent. Next time, I might not use all of the dough so that the crust is thinner. Regardless, tonight, I was thrilled to tuck into flavorful homemade pizza and a cold Sam Adams.